(021) 5659340
Opening: 08.00 WIB - 16.00 WIB

  •  Marlindo
  •  Oktober 15, 2020

Our Company Legalities 

Having Chief Operations who is also a qualified lawyer who is fully knowledgeable in building industry regulations has added significance strength in our Legal Team in expediting the issuance all necessary the formalities and permits.

Following our legality
  • Akta Notaris (Notariat) registered by Setiawan SH, dated August 04, 2009 No.08; Akta perubahan (changed letter) by Wisnu Sardjono SH No.20, 21 dated February 23, 2012.
  • Letter of registration Mentri Kehakiman dan Hak Asasi Manusia RI No: AHU-AH.01.10.10102 dated on April 04, 2011.
  • Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak (NPWP): 02.881.260.0-036.000 which registered by Department of Finance RI, Direktorat Jendral Pajak dated December 21, 2012.
  • Surat Izin Usaha Perdagangan (SIUP) No.09912- 03/PK/1.824.271 dated April 09, 2013.
  • TDP (Tanda Daftar Perusahaan) Perseroan Terbatas No., dated May 08, 2013.
  • Izin Usaha Jasa Konstruksi Kegiatan Usaha Pelaksana Kontruksi No: 1- 904189-3174-2-03275, dated December 15, 2011.

Thus, Marlindo has established themselves as the specialist in construction of automotive industry production facilities and infrastructure projects in Indonesia.

PT. Marlindo Maju Mandiri is a General Contractor who is capable of providing services in the area of civil & structural construction, mechanical/electrical works, utility maintenance services and LED Building Lighting System.

– Marlindo