(021) 5659340
Opening: 08.00 WIB - 16.00 WIB

PT. Marlindo Maju Mandiri is a General Contractor who is capable of providing services in the area of civil & structural construction, mechanical / electrical works, utility maintenance services and LED Building Lighting System.

PT. Marlindo Maju Mandiri is a subsdiary of Grokindo Group, the largest automotive industrial consumables supplier in Indonesia. 

Following our core team
  1. Dipl Ing. Ary Tjahyono SE
    • Formal Education in Mechanical Engineering (Germany) & Economy
    • Former Deputy Director Government Relations, Mercedes-Benz Indonesia
    • Former Deputy Director Engineering & Production Facilities, Mercedes-Benz Indonesia
    • Former Deputy Director Logistics & SCM, Mercedes-Benz Indonesia
  2. Ir. Aladin Sirait SH MH
    • Formal Education in Civil & Structural Engineering and Law & Litigations
    • Member of Indonesian Advocate Association (PERADI)
    • Former Head of Production Facilities & Maintenance, Mercedes-Benz Indonesia.
    • More than 25 years experience in building and industrial facilities construction
  3. Dipl Ing. Budi Prasetyo

    • Formal education in Mechanical Engineering (Germany)
    • Former Head of Procurement for Production and Non Production Materials, Mercedes-Benz Indonesia and Daimler AG Global Procurement Team SEA
    • More than 25 years experience in automotive industry in Indonesia & Germany